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Showing posts from October, 2018

Best Sanderson Sisters Hocus Pocus Everybody Focus shirt

Sanderson Sisters Hocus Pocus Everybody Focus shirt the makeup artist is should just quit now. That prosthetic work is horrible same with the wigs and the makeup application. I’m sorry but you really should have made those edges on those prosthetics thinner so that they would blend nicely into the skin and that eyebrow cover was horrible. I’m doing this with some friends. The Sanderson Sisters from Hocus Pocus summoned classic Disney villains during the Hocus Pocus Villain. Buy here:  Sanderson Sisters Hocus Pocus Everybody Focus shirt Hompage:

Best this is my Hallmark Christmas movie watching red truck shirt

This is my Hallmark Christmas movie watching red truck shirt for sharing that with all of us. I hope this story has a happy ending. We are hooked now and waiting for the next installment. Happy Holidays to you. A nice, red truck pulled up and a man got out and called my name. I don’t remember actually praying for someone to come to the yard because it is not something I normally would pray about. Last night I was watching a Christmas movie on the Hallmark Channel and suddenly the thought came. Buy here:  This is my Hallmark Christmas movie watching red truck shirt Hompage:

Thanksgiving Day - First Annual WKRP Turkey Drop With Les Nessman shirt

Not sure if we’ll have the same stations, but I’ll try and help you out. We watch these with our kids. They love WKRP. Passing along to future generations. You’re a little late. Turkey Trot in Yellville is always the 2nd weekend in Oct. The only turkeys I have ever seen work in the House of Commons or the Senate. It’s been downtown since the Easter weekend. I think WKRP’s Turkey Drop might have been based on this report. It seems Linnman was Portland’s answer to First Annual WKRP Turkey Drop With Les Nessman shirt Take here:  First Annual WKRP Turkey Drop With Les Nessman shirt Hompage:

Best I’m a Scooby-Doo Aholic shirt

 I’m stuck between Scooby Doo and courage the cowardly dog, they’re both my favorite but Scooby Doo is the one I pick. That was awesome. Kids who are big fans of Scooby Doo will love having him everywhere they go. Ever notice that shaggy house on a pup named Scooby doo always has their Christmas decorations out. I love Scooby and the gang. Watch every day. We don’t decorate. I have a hand crocheted tree that is up year round, no lights, it is on my antique cabinet that my great-grandfather made with  I’m a Scooby-Doo Aholic shirt Take:  I’m a Scooby-Doo Aholic shirt Hompage:

Best Snoopy And Peanut This Is My Hallmark Christmas Movie Watching shirt

Snoopy And Peanut This Is My Hallmark Christmas Movie Watching shirt get me wrong, I love Christmas, just not months of it. I wonder what the plot is and how it’ll end. These Hallmark movies always put me on the edge of my seat. But they’re all the same. Guy meets girl. There is a complication. They rise above it. They are together in the end. Same story, over and over and over again. We might just have to move in together for a month. I love Hallmark movies, especially the Christmas ones. You also always welcome to come over and watch Hallmark movies at my house. Take:  Snoopy And Peanut This Is My Hallmark Christmas Movie Watching shirt Hompage:

Official All I need is love and Jesus and Chick-fil-a shirt

 This is a much greater command and something we must all search our hearts and be accountable for, and how those with mental challenges are treated is also our responsibility since we are called to love our brothers and sisters. The Lord does not want us to form judgments based on mere appearance or human reasoning. But the world is so full of deceptive information that we, on our own, cannot know what to believe. And so, God has given us the Holy Spirit to help us see the reality of each situation with out  all I need is love and Jesus and Chick-fil-a shirt Get:  All I need is love and Jesus and Chick-fil-a shirt Hompage:

Best A day without a redhead is like a day without sunshine mug

This is so inspirational and I admire all he has overcome, all he has achieved and all he has become. This doesn’t mean that you will have sunshine every day, but it means that the sun will shine in your life and light your pathway. He ordered your steps for destiny. Stop agonizing over what you’ve done and prepared for the rest of the steps of the original plan. If He’s still blessing you today it’s obvious He’s more over your past than you are. Feel free to join Him on the other side of your sin and prepare for better days ahead with  a day without a redhead is like a day without sunshine shirt Get:  A day without a redhead is like a day without sunshine shirt Hompage:

Cool It’s a hot cocoa fireplace flannel pjs Hallmark channel kind of day shirt

Saturday every week because I can’t wait to see what happens to you. If you want to wear your flannel It’s a hot cocoa fireplace flannel pjs Hallmark channel kind of day shirt  and fuzzy slippers to be comfortable, I’m sure no one will say anything. My gorgeous boudoir gal braved the cold today, and we captured incredible pictures for her sweetie. So excited to show a few of those off to you. Blankets, flannels, and scarves can block the chill, and you’re welcome to warm up with hot cocoa in front of my fireplace. I am so thankful for this show Buy here:  It’s a hot cocoa fireplace flannel pjs Hallmark channel kind of day shirt Homepage:

Cool You are my sunshine my only sunshine sunflower poster

 Time will tell. I have so many emotions going on right now that I have been at a loss of words for what has happened so I decided to share one of my favorite memories of her. When she was born, due to the complications during birth, the nurses and doctors took her straight over to the side to make sure she was ok before I got to see her and she was crying very loudly. That was such an amazing moment with  you are my sunshine my only sunshine sunflower poster Take:  You are my sunshine my only sunshine sunflower poster Homepage:

Cool Drop Dead Fred We’re Grown Ups Now So Piss Off shirt

Even though at this second he is pelting me with water. This just me what it’s like to rub your cheeks. I just spit this flow and this is what I’m talking about y’all talking to imaginary friends like Drop Dead Fred I got homies in the feds. I love this movie very much it always makes me laugh haven’t watched for a while. Me too my friend is so in love with risk’s char. I have Drop Dead Fred and I’ve seen all the bottom shows and live shows and I have all the young ones with  Drop Dead Fred We’re Grown Ups Now So Piss Off  Get:  Drop Dead Fred We’re Grown Ups Now So Piss Off shirt Homepage:

Cool we lived in the murder house we protected the coven American Horror Story shirt

. It gave me so much anxiety watching that go down. It’s all I can think about now. I enjoyed tonight’s episode. I’m intrigued at how this season is going to pan out. I don’t understand all the hate this show gets from its fans. One of the things I love about it is the writers and directors willingness to try new things within the horror genre. They don’t hit on everything, but they’ve given me many years of a solid TV with great acting and memorable characters. I wish we didn’t have to add a bunch of new characters for the crossover with  We lived in the murder house we protected the coven American Horror Story shirt Get:  We lived in the murder house we protected the coven American Horror Story shirt Homepage:

Official Dumb and Dumber Harry Dunne toilet scene poster

Dumb and Dumber Harry Dunne toilet scene poster and I literally was falling out of my seat about to roll down the aisle with laughter. Yes, there is a smart way of being dumb. Making money as an actor. playing the part of being dumb. True true true. I think it was John Barrymore on his deathbed who said, dying is easy, comedy is hard. Enjoy the rest of your weekend buddy. You got that right. And you do comedy very well. Versatile, adaptable to play any part read script and get in that zone. Take:  Dumb and Dumber Harry Dunne toilet scene poster Homepage:

Official The Beatles singing Christmas tree sweatshirt

You may meet someone this week who needs to hear one of these songs. You can share the message that all is well at any time. Glad I’ve got my bootleg version. These tracks have been out in high-quality bootlegs for decades, as much as I get a kick out of them, they truly are only for Beatles complements. These were free goofing around X-mas message discs that went out to fan club members with  The Beatles singing Christmas tree sweatshirt Buy here:  The Beatles singing Christmas tree sweatshirt Homepage:

Official Grinch Hand Holding Autism Awareness Christmas Ornament shirt

 I love the Grinch. Out of curiosity, was the Grinch’s voice ever described as deep and menacing in the original material. It’s the perfect time to be annoyed at a failed attempt to revamp the Grinch. You can’t beat Jim Carrey as the Grinch and  Grinch Hand Holding Autism Awareness Christmas Ornament shirt I think it should be given a chance! It’s not a remake of the movie, it’s an adaptation of the book. There’s a lot more creative license to gain there, including changing little details like his room and so on. Get:  Grinch Hand Holding Autism Awareness Christmas Ornament shirt Homepage:

Lovely Landslide I took my love I took it down I climbed a mountain poster

Landslide I took my love I took it down I climbed a mountain poster When you lose a child you have a different perspective on life. You love deeper, you have more gratitude, you stop and observe nature and be present and your faith soars towards the Heavens. Buy here:  Landslide I took my love I took it down I climbed a mountain poster Homepage:

Lovely still like beer Judge Kavanaugh shirt

Still like beer Judge Kavanaugh shirt Not able to express anything about his feeling except he liked beer. What a joke to be one if the main professional people running the U.S. His answers should be made into a drinking game. Every time he says beer, well, you know the drill. The senators kept asking the same questions and he kept giving the same answer. I think it is more terrible that he enjoyed flatulence so he should not be confirmed. We can not have judges farting g on the bench. Take:  Still like beer Judge Kavanaugh shirt Homepage:

Trump 2020 the sequel make the liberals cry again shirt

Democrats were doing the colluding. Now, why don’t we get on with supporting our president who has brought us the best economy in 50 years. If we were democrats we would have been voting already, early and often is how Democrats do it. That’s how they get all the dead votes. Thank God finally we got a president who stands for our country and American people first. Don’t worry people, Trump will be in for 8 years with  Trump 2020 the sequel make the liberals cry again Get:  Trump 2020 the sequel make the liberals cry again shirt Homepage:

Lovely Star Trek Starfleet Captains shirt

Moments of accomplishment stay within all of us, you know this feeling of fulfillment, it will always stay within ourselves believe in your accomplishment and your feelings of self-worth it’s in you never left you to look inside yourself let it take back your life and let the happiness radiate and never let anyone take it away from your experience. I have a friend who has never seen Star Trek, so I am trying to pick episodes to show her to introduce her to the series with S tar Trek Starfleet Captains shirt Get:  Star Trek Starfleet Captains shirt Homepage:

Best Sally Skellington to my girlfriend always remember you are braver shirt

Sally Skellington to my girlfriend always remember you are braver shirt I love you more than you will ever know! Always remember that you are stronger than you seem, braver than you believe, and smarter than you think. If ever there is tomorrow when we’re not together, there is something you must always remember.  But the most important thing is, even if we’re apart, I’ll always be with you. It’s amazing how one day someone walks into your life, and you can’t remember how you ever lived without them. Buy here:  Sally Skellington to my girlfriend always remember you are braver shirt Homepage: More:  Disney my daughter is turning out to be exactly like me well played karma

Best The Beatles Christmas tree shirt

Greatness is greatness no matter what you end up with. I think that photo session as they were in downtown London. Ringing quits the band for several weeks. No weeping guitar in this acoustic version. I find the funeral organ sound the most interesting aspect. Whenever for everyone just still flowers loving and gardening care, inspire and cheer up the mood and enhance the strength. I haven’t heard this but I feel like you might know someone who would be interested with  The Beatles Christmas tree shirt Take:  The Beatles Christmas tree shirt Homepage: More:  Mama knows best Imelda Coco

Best I just want to bake stuff and watch Christmas movies sweatshirt

I say we couldn’t have done it without you, I mean it. You guys are the absolute best. Seriously, give yourself a hug for me. It’s really weird to switch from all that to mild, plain stuff. Hopefully, my fingers won’t be so raw and peeling anymore. Just wanted to share because it feels like going cold turkey on sugar or something. A home baker single person purchasing materials, baking packing cleaning love what I do and v proud to say each order has got me many more orders n referrals from you all without  I just want to bake stuff and watch Christmas movies sweatshirt Buy: I just want to bake stuff and watch Christmas movies sweatshirt Homepage: More:  Snoopy and unicorn you can just supercalifuckilistic kissmyassadocious

Best Shhh no one cares Michael Myers shirt

Some staff members dropped by to say they appreciated my work over the past eleven years. After the show and more applause, Donna asked if anyone wanted to speak. What I read from this is a man thinking of himself. Just forget the past and move on. I understand, and that might be fine for everyone, to just move on. As there is an innocent man, my brother, in prison right now and for the rest of his life if nobody does anything with  Shhh no one cares Michael Myers shirt Buy here: Shhh no one cares Michael Myers shirt Homepage: You are my sunshine sunflower cat shirt

Best Drop Dead Fred hey snot face Merry Christmas shirt

Growing up this was one of those movies I watched all of the time. I loved to drop dead Fred. Now watching it I still get a good laughed. This was the first movie I got to go to the movies with my best friend to see without parents. I still love this movie! I think I had the biggest crush on Drop Dead Fred hey snot face Merry Christmas shirt . My favorite part is when they were in the restaurant and he was messing with her when she tried to eat or drink. When he wiped the dog shit on the white carpet and chair. If y’all haven’t seen this movie I suggest you go and watch it as soon as possible it’s a classic. Buy here:  Drop Dead Fred hey snot face Merry Christmas shirt Homepage: More:  Redheads don’t argue we explain why we’re right

Official Kiss Gold Golden Girls shirt

 That laugh feels great. I thought those loops looked like construction paper chains that we made in elementary school. I love that show. I’ve watched it over and over. This show had many groundbreaking episodes dealing with elderly poverty, immigration, sexual identity, and substance abuse. It reminds me of paper links, that were made in school with construction paper. The golden girl is the best shoe ever. I tune in every night on Hallmark with  Kiss Gold Golden Girls shirt Buy:  Kiss Gold Golden Girls shirt GLAMOROUS KISS GOLD GOLDEN GIRLS SHIRT Homepage:

Official Coffee Christ Offers Forgiveness For Everyone Everywhere shirt

 little bit of coffee and a whole lot of Jesus. Keep us safe at work, school, on the road as we travel. Thank you for the forgiveness of our sins that we have committed and those that we will commit because only you know. And help us that struggle with forgiving others that have done us wrong. Help us with the struggle of anger and thoughts of pain and hurt to those who have and continue to hurt us. That’s why we give you all the honor, all the praise, and all the glory with  coffee Christ Offers Forgiveness For Everyone Everywhere shirt Buy here:  Coffee Christ Offers Forgiveness For Everyone Everywhere shirt More:  FASHIONABLE COFFEE CHRIST OFFERS FORGIVENESS FOR EVERYONE EVERYWHERE SHIRT Homepage:

Official Mickey Drink Dutch Bros Coffee shirt

I’ve pretty much converted all my co-workers to Dutch brothers. Awesome job on the video really connects the drink, company and those who support the company and the customers. My favorite coffee brand. Sadly, no shops in the Detroit area where I live. But it gives me something to look forward to on my west coast trips. Awesome company. I stop by and they know my drink and exactly how I like it. And they always serve it with a smile with  Mickey Drink Dutch Bros Coffee shirt Take:  Mickey Drink Dutch Bros Coffee shirt PRETTY JACK SKELLING TON AND SALLY TO MY WIFE NEVER FORGET THAT I LOVE YOU MUG SHIRT Homepage:

Official Jack Skellington and Sally to my wife never forget that I love you mug

 You’ll never see the weight that we carry home. For minutes or hours, days, or weeks, or even lifetimes. You are all special people you are worth your weight in gold. Very well said it can be a tough job but cares are as social breed we do what others can’t or won’t we do as this is our calling we are caring people but we are also human so yes we grieve when your loved one passes we feel their pain hurt and their joy and their love with  Jack Skellington and Sally to my wife never forget that I love you mug Take:  Jack Skellington and Sally to my wife never forget that I love you mug Homepage: Other:  COOL MICKEY DRINK DUTCH BROS COFFEE SHIRT

Best Raichu I’m not gonna a love song shirt

 Saturday night and early Sunday morning after all of the other rock stations changed to their religious forum. There would be one station playing these Raichu I’m not gonna a love song shirt songs. I pray to God ever single day about you my son. I always ask God to bless you with a good woman. Her woman who will bring you happiness and ease your pain. One day God shall answer my prayers. Last week packed a pretty hard punch. A lot of highs which I can’t wait to tell you about and a few lows as well. Take:  Raichu I’m not gonna a love song shirt Homepage: ADORABLE RAICHU I’M NOT GONNA A LOVE SONG SHIRT

Best I work the night shift I am batnurse shirt

 I work from home so we’ll be home most of the summer too! I have a pool, maybe you can come by with the kids on one of the hot days. When your eyebags are cursing you and ranting about sleep deprivation. It’s been one heck of a journey and some days it seems like 2 steps forward just to take 1 step back but life is about progress, not perfection. Never stop moving my friend very proud of you. I’d share it but it’s a long story with  I work the night shift I am batnurse shirt Buy:  I work the night shift I am batnurse shirt COOL NEVER WALK ALONE HUMAN HORSE AND DOG SHIRT Homepage:

Official Ya Done Messed Up A-A-Ron Ugly Christmas Sweater

Well better late than never but in France, we laugh about it since, maybe a year. Talk about wrong place wrong time. Your unbelievable bud keeps posting these can’t wait to see what’s next. He gots a new metal band n spit hardcore rap on these sounds too. Needless to say, I’m not everyone’s cup of tea. I’m not exactly easy to love but look what ya did. Ya done messed up and got stuck with me. I suppose I’m a pretty lucky guy with  Ya Done Messed Up A-A-Ron Ugly Christmas Sweater Buy here:  Ya Done Messed Up A-A-Ron Ugly Christmas Sweater STYLISH MICKEY I’M JUST HERE TO PAY FOR EVERYTHING DISNEY SHIRT Homepage:

Trending Mary Poppins Hat and a very Mary Christmas to you shirt

This movie is not a remake of the original. It’s a continuation and I for one am looking forward to seeing it, I think it will be awesome. Emily is going to perform such a great continuation to the Mary Poppins character. Can’t wait to see the movie. Don’t know how I feel about this they should just leave old movies alone because most of the time they ruin them. So, you love the first movie, but don’t know that it’s based on a multiple book series in which the second book has the very name and basis of this upcoming movie with  Mary Poppins Hat and a very Mary Christmas to you shirt Take:  Mary Poppins Hat and a very Mary Christmas to you shirt Cool Deadpool and Venom shirt

Trending teacher Shark boo boo boo Halloween shirt

For all my baby shark lovers. Happy Halloween. There’s a Halloween version of the baby shark song in case anyone wants to watch it on repeat with me. I mean it is October. Well for the people who didn’t know there was a Halloween version, now they’re blessed like us. Since I’ve had to deal with baby shark every weekday of the last 3 years of my life joys of teaching, I think it’s time to introduce the Halloween version to you all with  Teacher Shark boo boo boo Halloween shirt Buy: Teacher Shark boo boo boo Halloween shirt Adorable Hocus Pocus the original mean girls shirt

Trending Mickey Mouse breast cancer awareness pink warrior shirt

Your openness and honesty are a blessing to those who come behind you in their treatment. It’s been brought to our attention that our donation button is not working. You are a true warrior. I have enjoyed your blogs and have cried and celebrated with you throughout your journey. Well deserved to the pink warrior. During this time, she dealt with various complications including blood clots, infection after surgery and the side effects of chemo and radiation with  Mickey Mouse breast cancer awareness pink warrior shirt Take:  Mickey Mouse breast cancer awareness pink warrior shirt Lovely Couple Sally and Skellington love together forever shirt

Trending Diagon Alley Hogwarts wasn’t hiring so I teach muggles instead shirt

Someone had posted the list of gifts every year, then you had to ‘assume’ it was from the movies, where they hardly show Christmas gifts, def not to that detail. First time I have ever gotten Ravenclaw, I am a Slytherin. I cannot escape the clutches of the Diagon Alley Hogwarts wasn’t hiring so I teach muggles instead shirth  house. I must submit and accept my fate. You’re loyal, honest, and the best kind of friend a person could hope for. You’re intelligent, rational, and pride yourself in being original and creative. Buy her:  Diagon Alley Hogwarts wasn’t hiring so I teach muggles instead shirt Cute Mickey loves Green Bay Packers shirt

Trending Supreme injustice Iustitia shirt

Multiple languages heard every hour. And without exception, and we asked about their countries thoughts about what was going on in the US these days. Supreme injustice Iustitia shirt as an artist, he feels obligated to speak out. Some find this image disturbing, even frightening, but it is how most of the world, particularly indigenous peoples are thinking now. So this piece speaks for not only indigenous people everywhere but for the vast majority of humans with access to international news. Buy here:  Supreme injustice Iustitia shirt Lovely fight like a girl marvel Female Superheroes shirt

Official I am a Disney Girl I have battled dragons pirates and evil queens shirt

This daddy have made his little girls dream come true. Fair play to this bloke. This is pretty cool and probably took a lot of hard work. But unfortunately, it just makes me think of all the disparities in what children have. No pressure but reckon daisy would love this after your Disney trip. I just want a girl to travel the world with me, watch Disney marathons with me and share amazing memories like this! If you want that to read my first comment with  I am a Disney Girl I have battled dragons pirates and evil queens shirt Buy:  I am a Disney Girl I have battled dragons pirates and evil queens shirt Cute Venom and Groot we are groot shirt

Official I’m a book dragon not a worm shirt

 I got chills and a happy feeling in my gut. I can’t wait to see this and I’ll probably be the only adult in the movie theater watching this without any kids. I already know how this ends. His people end up separating from the dragons and they go to this hidden dragon world. Perhaps even more than once. If anyone has watched anything how to train your Dragon then you already know. You’re coming to see this with me you have no choice with  I’m a book dragon not a worm shirt Buy here:  I’m a book dragon not a worm shirt

Official Hippie Flower Peace Bus on a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair shirt

I stepped forward and though he hesitated to let me go, he eventually released his hands from me and I freely walked away getting on the first bus that was pacing by the roadside. It’s not my usual peaceful, love-filled, flower power, hippie type of statement but this is another side of my personality that I usually suppress. I no longer take a knee because I have read my history and I understand the cards that I hold and the hand that I have to play with  Hippie Flower Peace Bus on a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair shirt Take:  Hippie Flower Peace Bus on a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair shirt

Official to my daughter you are braver like a Gryffindor Harry Potter shirt

I know you have no control over it, I just wish shipping wasn’t so expensive or I would definitely order more often. I lived in Harry Potter most of my life too. Nothing is as pretty as the northern parts of Harry Potter, although I grew up in the Grand Rapids suburb of Wyoming. I am inspired by your ability that move on, take on new and exciting adventures and find your niche. I lived there for many years, but away as many. I grew up, left but am back. There is no place like home, but living elsewhere can also become home  to my daughter you are braver like a Gryffindor Harry Potter shirt Get: To my daughter you are braver like a Gryffindor Harry Potter shirt

Official Mickey I’m just here to pay for everything Disney shirt

Mickey I’m just here to pay for everything Disney today, and every day, I do not mourn you. I celebrate you. And your incredible, adventurous, accepting, goofy, loving, caring, Disney movie loving, laughter-filled, and spectacular life that you had the honor of living. But, maybe it wasn’t such an honor, because the thing I love most about you is the fact you didn’t just get that life. And I could never be half the person you were. Buy here:  Mickey I’m just here to pay for everything Disney shirt

Bill and Ted colliding in time Doctor Who shirt

That’s not how the law turned out. It’s already surpassed the manufacturing industry in terms of total jobs, and based on current hiring trends. The combination of high winds and rough seas were pushing the ships closer to shore. The tug was losing ground in the battle with the raging sea putting both ships in danger. The tug’s captain made the decision to cut the tow line and set the powerless side-wheeler and its crew of seven adrift with  Bill and Ted colliding in time Doctor Who shirt Buy here:  Bill and Ted colliding in time Doctor Who shirt

Official Never walk alone human horse and dog shir

He’s a lab. Having a companion dog had helped a lot. I am just a shadow of who I used to be. I used to run and walk for miles. I used to golf, ski, swim, ride my motorcycle, dance, wakeboard, laugh, walk my dog. All those little things, the ones I used to hate doing. I would give anything to do them again. Like a load of laundry. To smell the warm clothes the second they are pulled from the dryer. Do the dishes. Walk my dogs. Play with my cats with  Never walk alone human horse and dog shirt Get:  Never walk alone human horse and dog shirt

Official Jolliest bunch of assholes this side of the nuthouse Christmas shirt

I’m the Grinch of triage. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas to a great bunch. Not a better group to spend Christmas with if it has to be at the hospital. Hope you all had time with your families as well. Thanks for all you do. We take advantage of any reason to throw a party. I’m putting this Christmas card in my office. You guys all look fabulous. After reflection, it’s a tie between creativity and the festive blazers with  Jolliest bunch of assholes this side of the nuthouse Christmas shirt Buy:  Jolliest bunch of assholes this side of the nuthouse Christmas shirt

Official fight like a girl marvel Female Superheroes shirt

I used to dance with my little one like that. She was the same age when she passed away and went to be with Jesus. Thanks for sharing this. It brought back some precious memories. I’ve seen the same type of horrible comments from both sides depending on the situation. Please just shut the hell up if you have anything more than conveying your thoughts for what’s actually going on with  Fight like a girl marvel Female Superheroes shirt Get:  Fight like a girl marvel Female Superheroes shirt Homepage:

Cool Mickey loves Green Bay Packers shirt

You were truly a great athlete and will long be remembered by your legions of fans. I’m sure his spirit will be walking the ground of Lambeau Field with others and talking about the great days they played. Loved watching this man run over players. He and Sam Huff of the NY Giants had some great battles. God bless him and his family. I miss the fullback position. I know some teams still have a fullback with  Mickey loves Green Bay Packers Take:  Mickey loves Green Bay Packers shirt Homepage:

Official Sally and Skellington love together forever shirt

Sally and Skellington love together forever  wall quote my dearest friend, if you don’t mind I’d like to join you by your side where we can gaze into the stars and sit together now and forever for it is plain as anyone can see we’re simply meant to be. Sally and Jack Skellington cute wall art wall sayings quote. Jack and Sally have experienced a lot of difficulties during the Christmas holiday. Although Danny always attempts to separate them, two lovers eventually come back to each other. Take:  Sally and Skellington love together forever shirt Homepage:

Offiicial Hocus Pocus the original mean girls shirt

I remember as a kid when I watched it for the first time and I loved it. That being said, I don’t think it needs a sequel. Not all movies need to have sequels. They forgot to mention the one about when Max tells his sister is old enough to go trick or treating on her own. Today that would never fly. I love watching this with my son and pointing out all the places they filmed in  Hocus Pocus the original mean girls   where we lived when he was a baby. So many spots I had cuddled him that appear in the movie. It’s so special to us. I loved living in salem. Love:  Hocus Pocus the original mean girls shirt Homepage:

Official Deadpool and Venom shirt

He’s not a mutant because he wasn’t born with mutant powers. Seeing the X Men Origins Deadpool just reminds me of the end credits scene from  Deadpool and Venom . I was fairly skeptical when I first heard of this. However, after that, I’m on board. Might still turn out lousy, that’s true of all movies, but I’m willing to give it a fair shot. Wow, I thought they meant Sony verse lol I almost had hope for The spideyverse without spidey if that meant Sony and Fox were teaming. But nope guess not. Get:  Deadpool and Venom shirt Homepage:


Halloween can be precarious for our four-legged family members. Take time to get your pet accustomed to the costume before Halloween. If you plan to put a costume on your pet, make sure it fits properly and is comfortable, doesn’t have any pieces that can easily be chewed off, and doesn’t interfere with your pet’s sight, hearing, breathing, opening its mouth, or take Avenged kittyfold Halloween . Buy here:  Avenged kittyfold Halloween shirt